International robotics competition


10th to 13th of March 2025

Proudly organized by Pilsen Region Authority & Partners

Best presentation category

The competition team will prepare an electronic presentation in .pptx or .pdf format, with a maximum size of 100 MB. If these conditions are not met, the presentation will not start.

Competitors will present using a computer in conjunction with a data projector. The time range of the presentation is a maximum of 10 minutes. After the presentation, the evaluation committee has
up to 5 minutes for questions. The team with the highest number of points wins the category.

Presentation must contain:

  • brief description of the vehicle
  • description of the most interesting technical parts and their solutions
  • greatest success in construction (electronics, design, mechanical construction, programming, adjustment, …)
  • the biggest problem during construction (electronics, design, mechanical construction, programming, adjustment, …)
  • benefit for own professional development
  • use of resources (web, literature, …)

Best ride category

Before the start of each team’s competition, a measured amount of water – 70 ml – will be poured into the cup. If the water cup is knocked over, the vehicle must be placed at the start again and the cup must be refilled with the prescribed amount of water.

The robotic vehicle, transporting a cup with a measured amount
of water, must pass the defined track in the shortest possible time without spilling the water in the cup.

The track is formed by a leading black curved line on a white background, it does not intersect
anywhere, the start line also forms the finish line.

There are two obstacles in the track, an unlit tunnel and guardrails on both sides of the guide line.

The competitor places the vehicle on the guide line in front of the black line crossing the track (START/FINISH), starts it manually so that the vehicle already passes the black line crossing the track (START/FINISH). After safely passing the track, including meeting other conditions, the vehicle must automatically stop behind the black line (START/FINISH) crossing the track. If the vehicle does not automatically stop behind the black line (START/FINISH) crossing the track, a penalty of 5 seconds will be added to the final time of this run.;

In the case of a complete departure of the vehicle from the black guide line (the vehicle leaves
the black guide line with its entire chassis), or when the track is shortened, the vehicle must be placed
at the start again.

Total time to pass the track including repositioning of the vehicle on START is 7 minutes.
A competition team can use the full track time of 7 minutes.

Timing will be done electronically. The best time to pass the track will be entered in the score

The team with the shortest time to cross the track wins the category.

Best design category

Committee evaluates:

  • original fairing of the vehicle (colours, elaboration of parts, quality of parts, …)
  • protection of electronics from water
    interesting lighting (headlights, beacons, …)
  • unusual sounds (beacon, warning sounds, …)